The Agonizing Question For Cancer Patients
Am I Going To Die?
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It’s the first question that enters the mind of anyone receiving the knee-shaking diagnosis: “It’s malignant.”
While it’s true that not all cancers are horribly fatal, there is no question that it’s a scary and life-changing diagnosis.
One of the reasons it is so feared is the perceived image of cancer is so BAD.
That’s due in a large part to the suffering of public figures and celebrities, who live their lives in the media and tend to make a huge mess of things. They noisily demand the “best” medical care, when in fact they only get the most expensive which—sad to say—is not the same thing.
What they really get for their money is therapy which is, at best, unproven and, at worst, seen to be miserably ineffective. The ignorant doctors who lord it over this grotesque process know next to nothing about the effects of lifestyle, diet, nutritional supplements, chemical burdens and emotional overload on health.
So these critical issues are ignored.
Take the case of Jackie Onassis.
Nobody told her that buried psychic trauma could surface decades later as a cancerous disease—and what could be more psychologically traumatic than seeing your husband’s head blown off, as he stood right next to you?
So instead, she had an overwhelmingly toxic chemical regimen, on the theory that “more is better”, which is simply not true. The treatment really killed her, not the lymphoma.
But this whole drama leaves the unsettling question for others: “She could afford the best of everything and yet she died. What possible chance do I have?”
This is really the wrong question.
Jackie was lured into taking expensive orthodox treatment, under the false belief that it was the best available to her. She was tricked into that belief.
The real question to ask is: “Could she have followed a better path towards a full recovery?”
And yes, she could have.
Alternative and holistic cancer therapies are abundant, gentle (in the main), thriving and have been around a lot longer than the slash, poison and burn (the un-holy trio of surgery, chemo and radiation therapy). There are in fact several pathways of proven value.
It’s not my purpose to introduce those approaches here; it’s covered in my major compilation Cancer Research Secrets. Instead I’ll talk to you about the important pillars of cancer healing.
First this…
The Real Hidden Scandal
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Obviously orthodox medical care has made very little progress in conquering this disease.
Indeed, president Nixon’s “War Against Cancer” has already been lost. Apart from outrageous claims using massaged figures, there is no convincing evidence that the orthodox approach is getting anywhere.
It has been said, by those who should know, that the survival rate for solid tumors is about the same today, give or take, as it was 80 years ago.
Things are improving all the time but the real scandal is not the poor results but the way vested financial interests have taken control mafia-style and will see to it that anyone who has different and (especially) workable ideas is persecuted to the point of destruction.
They cannot help—but they sure as h*ll won’t let anyone else onto their lucrative turf.
I believe that an individual’s health is his or her own concern and it cannot be mandated by government.
Yet we have the ludicrous position of a commercial concern, being backed by government force, where the customer can be forced at gunpoint to accept a product that he or she may not want.
It’s crazy!
The Root Causes of Cancer
Like all conventional medicine, doctors and scientists are obsessed with the symptoms of a disease and the course of the illness. They almost NEVER ask what are the causes of this person getting sick.
In fact all diseases follow a cascade pathway, where one thing leads to another, then another, then another… and so on.
It’s similar to the way plane crashes happen. There are so many safeguards today that a plane crash is most unlikely.
It needs a series of slip ups or glitches to even reach the point of danger.
Yes, there was a mechanical failure, but the pilot should be able to deal with that; the weather took its toll and distracted the pilot because he could see nothing; that led, unfortunately, to him choosing to disbelieve his instruments and he ignored the altitude warning that he was too low; the control tower said “We see you at 10,000 feet,” but that was a serious radar glitch.
So the pilot descended, hit the ground unexpectedly and everyone on board was… well, you know the rest. It was a combination of factors, no one of which could bring a plane down.
It’s like that with cancer.
With cancer, we know that 3 main causative glitches stand out, far beyond other factors:
- Diet and nutrition
- Chemical overload (carcinogens in the environment) and
- Emotional burden
“Treatment”—including so-called holistic treatment—is not much use if it addresses only the results of a disease. Forget laetrile, protocel, dichloroacetate and other “magic bullets” This approach is no different to chemotherapy, just changing out one poison for another. Sure Laetrile kills cancer cells: it’s cyanide, basically, so it kills everything. But it solves NOTHING!
The crucial approach is not to try and stamp out the result of the problem BUT TO STAMP OUT THE CAUSES. Done right, a natural recovery will follow.
Making That CRITICAL Shift
There are countless books and manuals about cancer diets and chemical detoxing. This book does not address those issues, which I have covered in my other books.
The one major contributory factor—perhaps the most important of all—is usually very little addressed: I’m talking about the effect of mind and psyche on cancer.
Many cancer patients have ended up in a state of self-abandonment.
It has to be addressed.
I've discovered four major ways that people abandon themselves emotionally:
- Self-judgment
- Ignoring one’s feelings
- Numbing one’s feelings through addictions
- Making others responsible for one’s feelings of happiness and pain.
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Ironically, painful feelings such as aloneness, emptiness, anxiety, sadness, jealousy, fear, guilt and shame - feelings that we tend to see as problems unto themselves – are often symptoms of a deeper root cause: physical, emotional and spiritual self-abandonment.
A person’s state of mind is a powerful influence on his or her health and therefore on the issue of cancer.
Upsets, stress, conflict, hurt and other negative emotions can play a part leading to the development of cancer; they also offer a pathway for releasing the iron grip that the cancer has. It’s crucial to work deeply with the issues you have.
YOU HAVE TO DO IT. I’m serious!
I get so disappointed with patients who simply won’t address their mental and spiritual issues. For them it seems unimportant; trivial almost, “I’m battling a serious illness here, I haven’t time to think about whether I’m happy or not.”
Oooops! If addressing that very issue is a part of the cure, he or she just chose the failure route, do you see? You have to make that shift.
I remember many patients who had battled the tumor into regression and felt happy they had escaped death. But it came back. In one of my patient cases, it came back twice.
I begged her each time to undergo some form of memory healing therapy.
But she wouldn’t.
Yet she needed it.
How do I know? What tells me she had buried psychic trauma? She had cancer. Something was there, festering inside, but unaddressed.
The last time she saw me was the day before Vivien and I moved overseas. The lady was desperate. She was breathless and wanted my opinion: What did I think?
It turned out this woman had been seeing a dumb chiropractor, who insisted that her breathless was caused by a spinal problem—it wasn’t. I arranged a chest x-ray then and there. She had lungs riddled with secondary tumors. She was in big trouble and I just couldn’t help. I was off next day to start a new life with Vivien, the woman I loved.
The moral: If Dr. Keith says you’d better do it, then DO IT!
This Is The Missing Book
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In my view there is a very important holistic cancer therapy book that is missing.
So, I decided to write it!
The title is a little prosaic: The Psychology Of Cancer. But the subtitle gives a good idea where I am going with this: Why We Get Cancer, How To Fight It, What It Can Teach Us.
As with all my books, it contains the wisdom of 35 – 40 years of accumulated clinical experience but also with full scientific backing. There are no opinions or fluff, just facts. There are things I know to be true and things other people have PROVED are true.
You need this stuff like you need oxygen.
Cancer therapy is dangerous ground and everyone wants your action and the dollars it brings, including the so-called holistic ones.
Even Charlotte Gerson, much admired daughter of Max Gerson, is protecting her financial turf when she claims cancer has nothing to do with psychology and feelings (it’s all potassium, diet and coffee enemas, right, because that’s what SHE sells).
I say that’s dishonest and it doesn’t matter how great a pioneer your father was; you cannot mislead people in that fashion. Her trumped up opinion will cost many people their lives, if they listen to her, and it is in direct conflict with TORRENTS of science coming out about psychoneuroimmunology.
Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of the relationship and interaction between psychological processes and the nervous system and immune function of the human body.
The cancer patient’s state of mind is pivotal and likely to influence, one way or another, whether he or she survives the challenge of malignancy.
For this and many similar reasons, I have decided to write this important book. I do not handle cancer patients. I do not sell ANYTHING to cancer patients. So I have no financial interest in telling you anything but the complete, unvarnished and VALID truth.
State of mind is LIFE OR DEATH and that’s the gawdawful, honest truth.
What The Psychology of Cancer Contains
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As the cover tells you, I look at why we get cancer, how to fight and what it can teach us.
There is abundant evidence that life events will influence whether you get cancer or not. Genes don’t even come into this! If your life is not one of joy and harmony, you are at risk, according to the severity of your low mood.
This was written about over 2,000 years ago by the Galen The Greek, a doctor in ancient Rome. He said cancer is caused by an excess of “black bile”. The Greek for black bile is melan-cholia, or we would say depression (melancholy). In other words, cancer tends not to strike truly happy people.
Was he right? I’ll share with you the research.
One thing I will tell you: we can now put numbers on the stress-factor caused by life events. I’ll share the scale and the advice that, the higher your score, the more certain you will get sick with some disease. Cancer may be it.
We know that certain individuals are more likely to get cancer than others….
Yes there is a classic “cancer personality”; a personality type of who is a grave risk. Let’s call it the “type C personality” (C for cancer). I will describe this personality and if it matches you, later in the book tell you how to beat this.
Judy Canfield says...
Last Fall we ordered your book The Psychology of Cancer. I felt it would be an important addition to our personal library, especially since cancer is so pervasive. Wow! What a great and important read that was and is!
One of the most important things I read was about the Hawaiian ceremony of forgiveness. I read and re-read that section and thought about how it applies to myself. Read it again and put it to practice. I'm here to tell you what you already know: it works! And curiously, it seems to have power on both sides of an issue between two people.
I followed your suggestion about not telling the person or persons what you are doing; just do it for oneself. When we can acknowledge our own part and forgive ourselves, a long step toward healing has been taken. I recently had opportunity to visit the household of which the person is a part. Last Fall this person had made arrangements to be gone while I was there.
This time the person was there and I was greeted with love, the same honest affection that I sought to give. What a joy! Thank you for your sage advice!
Spontaneous Remission
Natural Healing Power
You’ve probably heard of this: a situation in which a cancer suddenly reverts to normal and disappears.
They call it “spontaneous”, because they have no clue why it happens. But there is a reason—there is ALWAYS a reason why something happens—they miss it because they don’t believe in natural healing and the power of the mind.
A lot of it comes about through what you will read as “willful oblivion”, meaning the determination to refuse to accept your lot and reject what you are told.
You can learn how to do it.
Even denial has a place, with far better survival statistics than you would guess.
But you have to do it the right way. Just pretending doesn’t work.
Dr. Kelly Turner, at the University of California, Berkeley, made a special study of this effect and identified 9 important cancer-healing factors. Five of them are mental/spiritual in nature.
Of course I will share with you what these are. Everyone with cancer needs to know them anyway.
In 1993, the Institute of Noetic Sciences published Spontaneous Remissions: An Annotated Bibliography, which catalogued the world's medical literature on the subject. It included references to cancer and a wide range of illnesses — from ulcers to injuries caused by gunshots. It is essentially the largest database of medically reported cases of spontaneous remission in the world, with more than 3500 references from more than 800 journals in 20 languages.
Positive Psychology
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Today, we think of positive psychology: seeing the good in everything.
I have remarked before that so many people have had cause to be glad they got cancer, because it brought so many important and positive changes to a life which was, up to that point, aimlessly drifting along.
Mass entertainments, sugary food and drinks, slouching around watching TV and chemical highs are not really helpful towards the ideal and healthy human life. Maybe you don’t live like that; most do!
It needs to change.
So the first keynote psychological improvement is made in a split second: the decision to get out of the lazy, comfortable rut of modern living.
Not that it means adopting a life of sackcloth, ashes and self-punishment. It just means getting off the bus to nowhere and finding your real destination in life!
Positive Psychology has now become a scientific specialty, spearheaded by Dr. Martin Seligman (that’s sidestepping the fact I was doing this back in the 60s and 70s, but what the heck!)
Why is this important?
Because there is clear scientific evidence that, if you are in a good place, your body defenses—especially the immune system—works better than if you living under a cloud.
Become Knowledgeable & Save Your Life
It’s one of my jokey sayings that the commonest cause of death is ignorance. When you are up against cancer, you need to have every fiber in your body tuned to the fight. You need to know what you are doing. You need to have as many tools as possible to bring to bear on the case.
In other words, you have to know what you are doing. Generals who try to fight a war, without knowing the position, strength and numbers of the enemy is going to get a lot of soldiers killed.
That’s ignorance.
In this case, you are a soldier. Better switch to being a general! Take charge of your story, because not so many generals get killed!
There is nothing an oncologist hates more than an informed patient who keeps asking difficult questions, won’t do just as they are told and subsequently refuses to die on schedule. It drives them crazy (good!)
But really, knowledge is going to save your life. Ignorance will likely end it.
If you cannot get information from your oncologist, where will you find it?
The Internet is very tempting. But let me caution you that the Internet is not policed and there are rogues out there, peddling crackpot—even dangerous—opinions, substances and techniques, who want your money.
Also beware that many holistic practitioners, or health researchers as they like to call themselves, are medically not qualified at all and don’t even have a first aid certificate. Yet they presume to tell you how to conquer one of the most dangerous of all maladies. Many have fine looking websites and lots of testimonials. What you don’t get is how many of their cases died or abandoned the program, compared to those with a nice inspiring testimonial.
At the risk of further alarming or depressing you, let me tell you that there are websites out there where—for a fee—someone will record a hearty testimonial saying pretty much anything the customer asks for.
So be careful.
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Cancer is not a death knell. But it is a wakeup call. You must do something before it strikes you or a loved one!
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Unfulfilled Longings
For over half a century the late Dr. W. Douglas Brodie (1925-2005), founder of the Reno Integrative Medical Center in Nevada and a pioneer of integrative treatments for cancer, found that there were consistent personality traits among the many thousands of his cancer patients.
Dr. Brodie found one of the most important signals of trouble was being cold or detached with one or more parents. I’ll walk you through this in The Psychology Of Cancer - but, basically, lack of connectivity with spouse, life partner or family is really deadly towards mental health and hygiene.
In his work as a psychologist in a New York City cancer hospital for over 30 years, Dr. Lawrence LeShan observed another thread amongst cancer patients, which was an unfulfilled passion that had been suppressed for many years.
For example, a child who wanted to learn the piano, but couldn't because either their parents could not afford those piano lessons, or other priorities took precedence over theirs.
This pattern of suppression would repeat itself over their lifetime. Oddly enough, studying piano later in life, or fulfilling a previously unfulfilled passion has an amazing curative effect.
Journaling – Why You Need to Share Your Story
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Life is a story. You can write your story and you will find it is incredibly therapeutic to do so. In time, you will come to realize how, where and why your life got into the state it’s in (because, let’s face it, cancer means something has gone wrong, somewhere, right?)
Storytelling is one of our most fundamental and enduring needs. Our stories define us. They are the vehicles of meaning and they serve as the narrative of our views about our world and ourselves.
We all constantly tell stories that shape virtually every human activity from our emotions to our personal relationships and our politics.
One of the casualties of the pharmacological eclipse of the "talk therapies," has been that many people are no longer being encouraged to explore the meaning of their distress.
In my groundbreaking book, I’ll explain to you the value of journaling as a means of achieving ideal rest-and-relaxation states.
Measuring Happiness: How Happy Are You?
If happiness is such a good anti-cancer tool, how do we DO happiness?
How do we even assess it? It’s curiously difficult to measure because we are not sure what happiness IS, even though we know for sure what it feels like!
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But we can measure the next best thing: heart rate variability (HRV). Today we understand completely how this subtle measurement of body physiology is THE BEST measure of how unstressed and relaxed you are.
High HRV means the opposite of the fight-or-flight reaction; low HRV means you are rigid, constrained, “uptight” as we used to say… in other words stressed. What’s more your response to the stress is poor.
I will show in this book scientific evidence as to why this is possibly THE number one measure of how well you are able to resist your cancer and even get it under control. What could be more crucial than that?
Just “Feeling stressed” or “I feel fine” can mislead you. We are in such constant overload we have lost our sensory awareness of physiological stress. Suzie felt fine and then the next thing you know, she found she had stage IV cancer. It happens a lot.
How do you measure your heart rate variability? There are lots of simple and modern ways to do this, right off your smart phone. You get a written teaching on this from me as part of the book.
That one trick could change EVERYTHING for you, if you or a loved one are battling cancer.
Get This Book
OK, decision time.
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This is a book that will teach us all about health and disease. But it has a very special emphasis on cancer.
This disease, in essence, is telling you your health is at a very low ebb. You need to get things under control fast, or pay the price.
What I share with you in this book about states of mind and health is just as relevant if you are fighting tuberculosis, Alzheimer’s, or recovering from a disastrous physical trauma, such as a motor smash or fall.
So, even though this book dives deep into why we get cancer. It’s a physical, emotional, and medical resource that can help you prevent cancer and many other chronic diseases.
I’ve given you a vast body of research in creating this book, filling out the missing data on how to fight cancer and how you can be empowered with the knowledge to prevent this terrible disease from harming you or someone you love.
This is HUGE resource that begs to be shared with everyone you know, since cancer affects 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women.
Take action now and click the add to cart button below to give yourself the tools you need to safeguard yourself from cancer.
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Thank you,
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Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby
P.S. I’ve chosen to publish this book as a digital eBook, so you start reading and benefiting from it immediately.
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